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How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend?

Romance doesn’t always mean spending big or throwing in the kitchen sink to surprise your girl. Being romantic is about what you do for her, not what you buy for her (although that’s nice too).

The key element to romance is thoughtfulness. If it comes from the heart and isn’t done to impress, then it works. Here are some ideas on how to be romantic with your girlfriend…

6 Tips to be Romantic with your Girlfriend

cheerful couple cooking dinner in kitchen
Photo by Amina Filkins on

·          Make a mixtape of love songs – even if she’s never heard them before. Ask people whose musical tastes she trusts (like friends, and family members) for suggestions on songs that really say “I love you” without being cheesy or over-the-top obvious. Don’t forget the liner notes! Write love notes in the liner explaining why you chose the song and how it reminds you of her.

·          Give her a massage – Not only is this a great way to be romantic with your girlfriend but also shows that you care about her and her health and well-being (and let’s face it: you’re going to enjoy this too!) If she’s not into oils and sweet talk, try some aromatherapy by adding a few drops of essential oil like lavender which has relaxing properties. You can find essential oils at most health or natural foods stores. Try asking the staff where they’d recommend buying them-they’ll probably steer you in the right direction.

·          Cook something special – Even if your culinary skills are limited, a home-cooked meal is a great way to be romantic with your girlfriend. Make it special by buying your girl’s favorite foods and preparing the meal together. And don’t forget about flower garnishes!

·          Create an inspiring environment – There’s nothing like candles or lava lamps to add ambiance and romance to a room. Try lighting some candles around the bed while you’re getting ready for your night out, just before she gets in the bath, while you’re both putting on pj’s early in the morning or while you’re cozied up reading books together just before going to sleep at night. The key: is variety and spontaneity.

·          Write her a love letter or poem – You don’t have to be Shakespeare to write a love letter. And it doesn’t even have to be in writing! A good old-fashioned letter is always nice, but why not do something different and send her an audio love letter? Record yourself reading a handwritten letter or make your own audio romantic CD for her.

·          Give her space when she needs it – This is probably the most important thing you can do to make sure that your girlfriend feels loved and respected by you: give her time and space when she asks for it. No need to ask why; just honor what she’s asking of you because you trust that she has good reason to feel this way. If she wants alone time, then give her some. If she needs to get out with her friends and you aren’t invited, then give her space at the mall or wherever it is she’s headed and let her enjoy herself without your shadow (or bickering). If she wants some time apart from you for a while, honor that request too. Remember: if your relationship is solid and strong, this won’t be an issue for either of you.

How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend over Text?

photo of man in white dress shirt holding phone near window
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

When you’re limited to 140 characters and a few emojis, it can seem like texting your girlfriend isn’t the best way to be romantic with her. But just because you’re typing rather than speaking doesn’t mean that you can’t still show her your love.

·          Write short notes on your bathroom mirror in shaving cream or on post-it notes and leave them around for her to find throughout the day. This is especially romantic if she’s not expecting it!

·          Send an email or text early in the morning so she starts off her day thinking about you. You’ll set the tone for whatever lies ahead.

·          Check out apps like twin dog (free) which give you an array of different emojis that are romantic. Make them your background on your phone or write texts in the style of these doggy ones!

How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend over Facebook Messenger?

Since you’re friends, this is probably one of the easiest ways to stand out when it comes time to be romantically creative. Explore together how you can make inside jokes and use emoticons creatively. A little bit goes a long way in making her feel loved by you via messenger.

·          Tag her in adorable pictures on FB with flower crowns, hearts around her head, etc. These will catch the attention of everyone she’s friends with but they are especially for you two-and they’ll appreciate the gesture!

·          Ask her to help you come up with inside jokes that will make your relationship more romantic. For example, if you have a thing for zombies, ask her to send you some zombie emoticons so it becomes easier to communicate without actually using words sometimes.

How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend on a Phone Call?

woman in white blazer calling
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

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This one might seem obvious but when you only talk to your girlfriend every so often, it’s easy for the excitement and romance to get lost in the mix.

·          Call her ten minutes before she has to leave for work or class just to hear how her day is going. If she misses your call, leave a voicemail telling her something that happened today (and make sure it’s funny!)

·          Set up three dates over phone calls – two serious, one silly. Tell her about an adventure you want to go on together, tell her how much you love hearing her voice, and ask her advice on something like where you should take your next vacation (it could be anything). This will help build anticipation for when you see each other again.

·          Tape record yourself talking about the night before and how much she meant to you. On a night when you guys can’t talk due to differing schedules, give your girlfriend a call and play it for her so she knows how deeply you care while also giving her something lovely to listen to until the next time you pick up the phone!

How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend in Person?

This is probably where most of your day-to-day romantic gestures will happen: over Skype, phone calls, texts, etc. It’s easy to get lazy once in a while when it comes time for real-life romance but just because you’re sitting across from one another doesn’t mean that you can’t still make an effort to show her exactly how you feel about her.

·          Leave love notes in places that she’ll stumble upon throughout the day. You can write them on bathroom mirrors or inside shoes (the front pocket of your girlfriend’s backpack is also a great option if it’s big enough!)

·          Get matching t-shirts for you and your girlfriend with phrases like “my other half” or “destined for each other”. She’ll see them every time she goes out with friends and know just how much you care!

·          If you’re trying to be romantic but are around friends simply hanging outside, suggest playing a game of Truth or Dare! This will definitely bring up some sweet and sexy moments that she’ll never forget.

·          If you’re looking for a more intimate experience, simply invite your girlfriend to lay her head in your lap while you both talk about something deeply meaningful to the two of you. While most conversations happen face-to-face, this is an especially sweet (and comfortable) way to get to know each other on a different level.


We all know these awesome ideas about How to be Romantic with your Girlfriend, but I am not saying you must do all of the above. Just find out one awesome romantic way and implement it in your relationship. It will surely help a lot. Trust me on this!

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